The world is vastly different from its petty wars there exists an area of pure malevolent magic: The Realm of Chaos. It is a place that cannot be imagined by humans. It offers promises of strength, however, the only way to see it is to be lured by it. It is to surrender your spirit. Then you can become it.

Four Ruinous Powers control this region, and are always looking to slip their bonds and drown the entire world in an avalanche of evil. Slaanesh is the Lord of exaggerations; Nurgle, the plague God; Tzeentch is the changer of ways. Khorne the god of blood, and death.

At the border of the worlds, two huge kingdoms watch over the other: the hard-hitting warriors of Kislev and the vast grand scale that is Grand Cathay. Each is facing each of its own difficulties, and they must each cross the threshold to send their army into Chaos Realm.

The earth is poised on the edge of. With a single touch, you can plunge it into cataclysm.

One person has a strategy to achieve this. A fable from the past, who is determined to achieve nothing less than supreme power. He’ll need someone to assist him to achieve his goals.

The coming conflict will engulf everyone. Will you conquer your daemons? or command them.

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