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Bayonetta 3 Game Review

Bayonetta walks the streets in an action-packed climax game which features Bayonetta moving through various locations. Sporting a wicked new ensemble as well as pigtails that are a bit familiar, Bayonetta, the eminent Umbra Witch must face a unidentified evil by using her guns of choice and her speed-slowed Witch Time ability. The latest time around, the man-made bioweapons dubbed Homunculi find themselves in Bayonetta’s traps.

Explore Bayonetta’s darker side through Demon Masquerade the newly developed ability that channels the demon linked to her weapon. It allows an array of exciting actions, not to mention some fun combos. It is possible to summon your demon friends, Malphas and Gomorrah while fighting. They unleash their demon power in high stakes battles and in larger-than life combats that you can take absolute over them.

Explore your way through the city streets of Tokyo and the mountain ranges of China, and many other places! There’s the chance to encounter a whole group of Bayonettas on the way Each one is better in comparison to the previous. You’ll also slash and slay as Viola the spirited witch in training who fights with a sword , and her capricious companion, the monster Cheshire. Learn about the fate that awaits Bayonetta and find out if this mysterious alliance is able to save reality!

Review by nami mysexgamer

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